Charlie Lake

Hi! This website is still under some construction, please bare with me whilst I get some things finished! Thankyou :)


Hi there! My names Charlie , I'm currently a second year student studying a bachelors degree in Computer Science at Aston university. My programming journey began with an afterschool club and has miraculously led me here! Here are some quick fun-facts about me:

If you are interested in the more detailed details, you can head over to my LinkedIn!


Feel free to have a look at some projects that I have created!

a picture of my currency converter project

.currency - converter

My most recent project is a currency converter that allows users to insert an amount, choose a start currency and an end currency and will give the answer! Created using Java and JavaFX

the words sakura software on a background of a sakura tree

.portfolio - website

A full stack website created using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL database and some bootstrap. A website created for my university project which also includes safety measures and validation.

white text on black background, a picture of my game

.Choice-based - game

A text-based choice game where the user is found in an abandoned house and must find items and clues to escape! This was created using only python.