.Choice-based - Game!

python game python game python game python game

The game begins by telling the user a scenario, the game is played by the user typing the number that correlates to their choice

The user can pick up items in the game to help them with their escape, some items are necessary to get out, some are just extra items

The game uses a random number generator and turn based combat system for the user to try and fight their way out.

Here's an exmaple of the user needing a specific item to use a specific exit, if they do not have it, they cannot escape!

.More - Information!

This was a project I created in python for an assignment at college! It was my first time using python so I went for something somewhat simple but also had a variety of features. For the assignment, I also had to evaluate and test it which I did using a black box testing method using the users input and output to test the game. Any errors that I ran into were fixed for my final submission, though a large amount of them were syntax errors considering it was my first time using the language.

I think that if i were to create a similar thing at this current time, knowing what I know now, I would be able to make a more extensive game and ensure that the game had a user interface rather than it being text-based.