.Currency - Converter!

currency converter made in Java currency converter made in Java currency converter made in Java currency converter made in Java

This is a small side project that I made! Its a currency converter.

The user can select currency types, input an amount and it will convert it for them!

I added some validation to t he input to ensure that the user couldnt leave it blank and only input numbers!

The application uses a 2D array to get the correct amounts and put them into the converter method where it calculates the difference.

.More - Information!

This was a small side project that I built using:
Java, JavaFX and Java Scene Builder

The project uses a 2D array to get the correct values of each exchange rate and then they are used in the calculation when the submit button is pressed. This is the biggest project I have created that uses an interface which was the more challenging part.

I had briefly used JavaFX for a university assignment but definitely not to this extent with an external CSS stylesheet, multiple toggle buttons each with their own onAction event. I also ensured to add a small bit of validation into the program so that it did not run into errors with users attempting to submit with an empty textfield or with letters instead of numbers. Instead the users gets an error message.

One thing I need to look into changing for this program is whether I could create one method for the toggle buttons that would change the value of targetCurrency based on the data passed into it rather than having their own separate set and get methods that are then given to each button separately.