.Portfolio - Website!

sakura software website sakura software website sakura software website sakura software website sakura software website sakura software website sakura software website sakura software website sakura software website

The landing page fo the website, a simple navigation and about us section

Some profile cards of team members which shows their photo, skills and description

Users have the ability to sign up or log in from the navigation bar, these options dissapear once the user is logged in

Once logged in, the user can see projects that exist, these are stored in the database. They also have the option to edit or add projects from the website

This is an example of editing a project, the user can select one or just type the details in

Users only have the ability to change their own projects but can still look at other peoples!

Users can also search the database for specific projects that they're looking for

Users can also search the database for specific projects that they're looking for

Users do not have to be logged in to view or search projects but they will not have the options to edit or add projects.

.More - Information!

This example portfolio website was created as a project for my university course. The languages used include: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL
Though this wasn't the first time I had created a website using HTML, CSS and Javascript, it was my first time doing back-end web development also. It was super interesting to learn step by step how to turn a simple website and database into a fully functioning website and I was certainly faced with challenges I hadn't seen before like creating a logging in system and displaying data from a database onto the webpage!

After completing the project, I was very happy with the results, specifically the functionality of it considering it was my first time using both PHP and SQL. Despite this, there are a few things I would change about it now. This includes some styling specifically with the forms when adding or editing a project, I know that largely this was due to the deadline of the project and spending most of my time on the back-end requirements. They do get the job done but I definitely think that they could look a little more aestetic and clean.